
Inspire Financial Assistance
Employability Acceleration Program
Community Welfare
- Parameswaran Nair


Dear Inspirers ,

It is with immense pleasure that I recount the incredible journey of INSPIRE, encompassing its inception, mission, impact on underprivileged students, the individuals behind this noble endeavor, and our upcoming steps towards elevating the INSPIRE journey.

Our story commenced in 2014 when a group of like-minded USM Alumni united in our pursuit of giving back to the community. Blessed with good fortune, we aspired to remove the barriers of poverty hindering students from pursuing higher education and embarking on successful careers. By supporting this demographic, we firmly believe we are not only helping these students but also liberating their families from the shackles of poverty.

This led us to declare INSPIRE's primary mission as "UPLIFTING THE COMMUNITY FROM POVERTY THROUGH EDUCATION." The Inspire Financial Assistance (IFA) was born, becoming our flagship project aimed at realizing this vision. Our dedicated team, alongside the unwavering support of INSPIRE members and well-wishers, has raised over RM1.3 million and impacted the lives of more than 1000 students over the past seven years. This accomplishment is truly remarkable and underscores the power of collective effort.

So, where do we go from here in our INSPIRE journey? It's time to take our engagement with these 1000+ students to the next level. Many of them are entering the employability phase, and that's where our Employability Acceleration Program (EAP) comes into play. EAP is designed to equip students with the skills and mindset to excel in the professional world, whether as entrepreneurs or employees of esteemed organizations. Another significant group comprises past IFA recipients now contributing to the workforce. We aim to instill in them a sense of belonging to INSPIRE and a commitment to giving back to the community, furthering our mission to make a meaningful impact on the underprivileged.

A famous adage tells us that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and our journey has just begun. With the collective support of INSPIRE members, well-wishers, and the broader community, we can significantly uplift our community from the clutches of poverty.

Remember, even if we change just one life, we can change the world forever. Let us maintain this momentum, Inspirers.

Thank you for being part of the INSPIRE journey.

About Our Journey

On December 23, 2014, a gathering of like-minded USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia) alumni sparked a conversation about what we could do for our community, ultimately leading to the formation of INSPIRE SOCIETY(Persatuan Kebajikan Inspire) in 2015. INSPIRE stands for 'Inspiring Network for Service, Progress, Inclusivity, Responsibility and Education.’ In the initial years, we carried out many projects without much focus. We helped needy families and students with financial difficulties, we helped to organize tuition classes in an orphanage, we helped some Tamil schools by providing school uniforms and other necessities for the schoolchildren, and aided certain individuals in need, etc.

Along the way, Inspire found its bearing and now we focus mainly on helping university going students, especially students who gained entry into public universities. There is a valid reason why Inspire has made this venture its main mission. These students are the cream of our community and the students that Inspire helps are from families that are financially challenged. By helping this target group, we believe that we are not only helping these students but also their families to get out of the poverty cycle.

InspireFinancial Assistance, or IFA, has since become our flagship project and has gained tremendous support towards achieving this objective.Since starting the IFA, we have witnessed progress and improvements in the number of donors, amount raised and number of recipients. Each year, we fine-tune our operations to make sure that our annualcollection target is achieved so that we can provide financial assistance to as manyneedy students as possible in our community.

All these have been possible because of you, Inspire members and friends. With your unwavering commitment and ongoing support, we can continue to make a significant impact in empowering our community. In the words of the legendary President Nelson Mandela, "*Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.*" Together, we can be the driving force for positive change.

About Our Zero Operating Cost

‘Mey’, meaning TRUTH in Tamil, the origin which can be traced to Sumerotamil, has been the guiding light for Inspire to embark on ‘zero operating cost’ ( ZOC) model in running Inspire Society.

While it may sound impossible and ridiculous to run an organization without any cost, the founding members felt that it is possible.

So, we came up with the mechanism where every sen donated to Inspire will be used for charity. We will not touch a single sen for any other purpose except charity. And with regards to the cost involved in running Inspire, such as mileage, rental of premise, transport, food etc etc, either the committee members or members absorb it. For example, during our meet the students session, one of our committee members paid for food. During our AGM, another committee member paid for the expenses incurred for premise rental and food. By doing so, the donation given to Inspire is never used for its operating expenditure.

We in Inspire hold this principle dearly. And this principle is not just for lip service. We mean it. Our accounts are all open for scrutiny where every sen is accounted for.

We believe in Truths. As what Meykandar said, ‘ If you want to see the TRUTHS, you got to be truthful to yourself.

Join us in our journey , the Inspire journey’ , in inspiring many young lives!

Our About Us

Nurturing Excellence through

It all started with a passion to empower underpriviledged children through education and creating opportunities for success. The journey began from few projects at the school level, aiming to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for students to thrive. Building upon our initial success, we expanded our efforts to encompass community-level projects. Driven by our commitment to fostering excellence.
  •  Your monetary donations
  •  Support through job placement opportunities
  •  Support through internship opportunities
  •  Mentorship and coaching
  •  Collaborate or volunteer to take up roles


Years Of Experience

Inspire Financial Assistance



    • RM81,000   39 Students


    • RM114,000   55 Students


    • RM150,500   88 Students


    • RM211,000   139 Students


    • RM243,500   157 Students


    • RM307,000   259 Students


    • RM241,200   145 Students


    • RM310,000   224 Students


    • RM227,500   164 Students

Let's change the world,
Join us now!